Business Intelligence
Many companies have spent thousands of hours and tens of thousands of dollars implementing an ERP system, only to find they can’t get the information they are looking for from the stock reports. Sure, the information is available, but only on a “green ledger” style report that is 500 pages long. The data is there, but the format is unworkable.
What about hard hitting metrics reporting? What about dashboards with visual features like pie charts, Pareto diagrams, or “fuel gauges”? What about process issues that impact my bottom line? That is where PeoplePlus can help. We have experienced business and programming professionals with decades of experience that can help you build your executive reporting strategy and establish the metrics that feed your quality systems and drive your business. We have helped our customers develop a business intelligence strategy to answer all of these key questions:

These questions and many more cannot be answered by typical stock ERP systems, but PeoplePlus has cost effectively delivered this kind of information in automated reports and/or executive dashboards to help our clients get the most out of their valuable ERP information.