Large Logistics, Rental & Leasing, 3PL fulfillment, Manufacturing and Dealer/Distributors doing repairs of equipment need sophisticated Yard Management tools to track their equipment, scheduling repairs. Fulfillment warehouses are getting deliveries or delivering products to their stores, or to dealers/distributors etc. iM3 SCM Suite helps service provider and customers to manage their Yard effectively by a single or multiple Yards in a single/multi view

Yard Management
  • Identification of each Asset, use simple cost effective solution or IoT, RFID technologies to track and manage the Yard
  • Yard Check-In Process, includes inspection at receiving the equipment, trailer
  • Yard movement, Trailer/Asset can be scheduled to be moved by Shunter or driver
  • Repairs organizations, can create auto work orders at Check-In process
  • Yard Check-Out Process, includes inspections, pictures and comments
  • IoT to manage temperature of food trailers
  • Manage loading or unloading Gate traffic and more
  • Define Yard(s), create and manage single or multiple Yards across single or multiple facility
  • Yard Movement, the mobile function helps assign spot from the Yard View App
  • Large TV displays for the Yard View
  • iM3 WO Priority App or Yard App can request movement of Trailer/Asset for Repair or moving back to Yard after repairs
  • Custom Inspection forms
  • iM3 WO App on tablets, help scheduling movement of trailers for Loading or Unloading docks